Saturday, March 9, 2019

Portfolio Project: Plan Revisions

Bailey and I were talking about the plot for the story and how we will tie it to the beginning and ensure that everything makes sense, even if we are not producing a fully fledged film. We encountered an issue with the intro of the story being the climax as it is not providing enough room for more interesting story to develop. The intro is revealing a major plot point and so we had to decide between reworking the intro, or changing the main plot. So we tried both, thinking of what to change of the intro first. We both felt satisfied with our intro thus far and didn't want to change it, so we went to thinking about possible plot elements to help make the intro much less important than it seems.

After the revisions, our plan is as follows: We are going to have a man with mental instability (due to causes that we will determine later) named Homer who is approached by a man named Peter, who is his friend or some sort of acquaintance to Homer. Peter begins talking to Homer to the point where Homer becomes aggravated, so he manages to forcefully put Peter in his trunk and drive away until Peter manages to escape the trunk. Once out, Peter begins to limp away at a slow speed, allowing Homer to catch up to him and beat him to a point near death. That would conclude the introduction that Bailey and I would film.

Peter is then planned to be extremely immobile and unable to speak, but his family and friends will try to bring justice to Homer, even though what occured is a result of mental issues. Bailey and I feel this will be a strong plot and provides a lot of flexibility in case of future revisions.

We also brainstormed a couple of different titles for the film, settling on the title "Aberration". The notes paper that we used can be seen below.

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